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Welcome to Rent 805

Rent 805 is a full service Ventura property management company. We focus on residential and multi-family properties. Having a successful rental property requires a lot of time, effort, experience and knowledge. Let us save you the time, effort and frustration that comes with gaining that experience.

QBA award Realtor of the year RE Finalist Badge Best of Oxnard award

Why Hire Us

Why Investors
Partner With Us

You’ll make more money – and spend less time maintaining your investment.
Some people assume that property management is expensive - but that’s not the case at all. You will actually make more money in the long run due to better quality residents that stay longer and less damage or repairs to deal with.

Eliminate the constant run around!
It can feel like a full time job dealing with repairs, complaints, collecting rent and coordinating vendors – and a constant state of stress. Transferring these responsibilities to a good property manager allows you to enjoy the benefits without spending all your free time working.

Better screening process = Better Residents!
Because of our application tools and extensive resources, we can screen more residents, and with more filters. We often have a waiting list of potential renters.

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Trusted by Ventura Area Owners & Investors